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Specialist Management Consultancy

Frequently Asked Questions
How can you be sure you will make savings?Our service is suitable for all business with procurement expenditure exceeding £1 million per annum. Our performance guarantee means that we have to refund our fees if we don’t make savings, so we simply wouldn’t take on a client if we didn’t feel we could get results. Our expertise enables us to carry all the risk.
What do you know about our industry sector?We have worked successfully across a very wide range of industries. Everything from electronic components to aerospace, from mental health placements to cinema screens, so it is very unlikely that one or more of our consultants will not have at least some level of experience in your industry. Even so, our systems and processes are based on common commercial themes and are proven to be equally effective in all environments.
What if we are unable to change from our existing suppliers?Being unable to move from current suppliers is a surprisingly common situation, for all sorts of reasons. This is not a problem for us. Being experts in our field, we are used to facing the most challenging environments – and we will still maintain our Performance Guarantee.
Will you reduce quality, or increase our stock levels?"Your current quality and logistical arrangements are our starting point. We will only ever make recommendations that maintain or improve your current arrangements. If you don’t like our recommendations, you are completely free to reject them. And, of course, if this means you don’t make savings, we don’t take our percentage.
How do we know that you will not upset all our suppliers?Our style is co-operative and business-like and, although of course we will not give suppliers an easy ride, equally, they will not feel that they have been exploited. This is a typical supplier comment, given at the end of an assignment: "Thank you for approaching this project in such a professional way. It has certainly been a catalyst for change in our business and I believe at the end of the process we will certainly be stronger and leaner." - Andrew Streeter, Managing Director, Flexible Machining Systems Ltd
Why should we pay consultants? We should do this!Effectively, there is no cost to this service, as we guarantee to make savings. Also, our specialist skills and the level of detailed analysis that we complete, mean that we uncover savings that otherwise would not be identified. We work in a very co-operative and open way with your incumbent staff who, even if a little wary at the beginning, will come to value our service as a welcome boost in helping them achieve success. This comment from a purchasing manager is typical: "It has been my pleasure with work with Michael and I gladly admit that I consider our project together to be one of the highlights of my career." - John Verleyen, Group Purchasng Manager, BEA s.a.
Why don't we see what savings we can get ourselves first?We recently saved a client over £800,000. That’s equivalent to over £15,000 every week, over £66,000 every month! Delaying is very likely to be the most expensive option you could consider.
Do we pay you your share before we actually start making savings?Absolutely not! Our incentive payments come out of your positive cash flow. Only after savings have been implemented do you start to share some of your savings with us.
My staff are extremely busy. Isn't this going to add to their workload?Apart from a small amount of time at the beginning of the project, the amount of time input required from your staff is entirely governed by you. If you want your staff closely involved, that's fine. But, equally, we can get on with the work with very minimal input from your staff.
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